A Park with Rope Courses

Have I had a go at doing something new recently? I don’t think I am a "let’s try something new" kind of person. I have a lot of hobbies and I prefer to stick to them.

Recently, my husband and I went to a park with rope courses with our eight year old son that he used to visit almost every day last summer. This year our son is tall enough to use the third-level route which is only for people 130 cms and taller. I found myself wanting to go with him, but I decided to postpone it. The route ran at five meters height (I haven’t seen such big round eyes on my son’s face for many, many years, I think the height was really scary for him), some of the obstacles seemed to be quite difficult and I understood that a lot of children would have had to overtake me which would have been a shame.

Well, I still hope that one day I’ll do it anyway. Maybe even this summer.

Читайте также: Being a grown-up

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